Monday, April 21, 2014

Pros and Cons

Pros and Cons

- Students tend to forget a lot during the summer break, thus a shorter time away from school might increase retention rates. This also decreases review time after the long summer break (17 "Year-Round School Statistics"). 
- Remediation can occur during the school year, when it's most needed.
(4 "Student Centred")
- It's a more efficient use of school space because otherwise buildings are wasted space during the summer (12 "Research Spotlight on Year-Round Education"). 
- Increased motivation in both students and teachers when experiencing more request breaks.
- Reduction of teacher burnout, lower dropout rates, and fewer discipline problems.
- Allows family opportunities to take vacations at times that are more convenient with their schedules.
(18 "Teaching a Live Online Class")
- Helps with overcrowding in schools (14 "Year-round school calendars versus traditional school calendars: Parents' and teachers' opinions"). 


(9 "What Exactly Is Burn Out?")
- Extracurricular programs suffer from problems with scheduling out-of-school practices and competitions (11 "NAYRE"). 
- If an entire district does not adopt a year-round calendar, parents could have students at different schools at different schedules.
- Studies have been inconclusive to its academic benefits (12 "Research Spotlight on Year-Round Education"). 
- Children jumping tracks cause a possible loss of community, identity, and scheduling problems
- Transportation costs may increase (1 "Year-Round Education Program Guide"). 
- Students will be unable to participate in summer activities or work summer occupations (15 "Pros and Cons of Year-Round Education"). 
(8 "Opposing APFO Opinions")

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